MAJ CS:GO - Mise à jour de de_zoo
- Par arth78 -, publié
- 1 commentaire
Après une mise à jour riche en changements la semaine dernière, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive retrouve son rythme de croisière avec une update que l'on qualifiera de classique.
Celle-ci corrige un lot de bugs et met à jour la map de l'opération BloodHound « de_zoo », en modifiant légèrement son gameplay et en corrigeant des bugs, une fois de plus.
On notera aussi que le jeu détectera dorénavant votre manette si vous la branchez en pleine partie... mais bon, on ne vous conseille pas de jouer à CS:GO à la manette, vraiment.

- Added a server convar sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks_holdaim which determines how long (number of ticks) a server holds client aim data while processing a backlog of user commands.
- On Valve servers, GOTV demos will now reliably broadcast and record players' viewangles on the ticks when weapons were fired.
- Controllers will now reliably be recognized if plugged in mid-session.
- Fixed a handful of bugs in the options menu in regards to navigating.
- Fixed the keybind page being in a bad state when you navigate to it via the Audio “EDIT USE MIC KEY” button.
- Threaded occlusion query to help with server performance in casual games with many players. occlusion_test_async turns it on or off.
- Added OSX convar, mat_osx_force_csm_enabled which forces dynamic shadows on.
- de_zoo
- Made one of the windows in CT sniper hut (facing long A) solid
- Made the tower in the lemur enclosure partially climbable (disabled hiding spot just below the platform
- Blocked LOS when standing on the signpole near T spawn looking into “Truck” and the aquarium
- Fixed some fishes leaving their aquarium
- Fixed several (self)boost spots that weren't supposed to be reachable
- Fixed the gaps in one of the wooden fences at CT spawn
- Fixed several pixelwalks (including the one at mid above the spiral staircase)
- Fixed possibility to throw grenades onto the false ceiling at mid connector
- Fixed a wallbang spot at Upper T
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Ca doit être bien plus facile avec une manette classique