Clip Of The Day (en)
- Par ZMXXX -, publié
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New concept on : the Clip Of The Day !
Every day, from Monday to Saturday, you will find here a different clip. This one will be a video game. The winner of the week will be reveal on Sunday, the decision will be made on the « like / don't like » concept on Youtube.

Like / Don't like
Here are the rules that need to be fully respect to participate in the contest :
- The softwares and the technologies used in the video are the moviemaker's choice.
- Sequences from the trailers or cinematics from the game aren't autorised. The clip can't be a trailer-cut.
- The clip must be under one minute and its weight must not be more than 100mo.
- You need to be register on the website.
- The clip must be uploaded on an upload side like Gigaup, Mediafire or Zshare.
- No streaming.
- must appear in your movie ! You can use the public logo.
- Send a mail to COTD[a] wih object « COTD + Nickname ». The email must contain link HQ of the video and the link of your profil on the website.
Each proposition that doesn't respect there terms will be refuse. Besides, a pre-selection will be made by our staff before the publication.
A premium account of one month is the price for the winner of the week. If there is equality, each one will have a one month premium account as price too.
Good luck to every moviemakers !
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