La mise à jour d'Halloween "Scream Fortress X" est arrivée !
- Par latios95 -, publié
- 4 commentaires
Un jour... A un jour près, cela aurait fait tout juste 365 jours (1 an si vous préférez), depuis la dernière grosse mise à jour de Team Fortress 2. Vous pouvez vérifier cette information à l'aide de cette superbe et magnifique infographie !

Le 19 octobre 2018 marque donc l'arrivée de la première mise à jour majeur pour Team Fortress 2 de l'année. La dixième édition annuel du Scream Fortress, afin de célébrer comme il se doit les fêtes d'Halloween. Cette mise à jour, d'ordinaire annoncée par le biais d'une jolie illustration sur le site officiel détaillant tout les nouveaux ajouts a finalement été dévoilée sans gloire n'y paillette, comme un simple patch sur le site du jeu...
Et sinon, quoi de neuf me demanderez-vous ? Pour résumer rapidement : 5 nouvelles cartes créées par la communautés, 20 objets de type cosmétiques, 10 nouvelles peintures de guerre, de nouvelles railleries et l'événement se terminera le 14 novembre 2018. En voici le changelog complet :
Scream Fortress
- Featuring 5 new community maps: Cauldron, Gravestone, Monster Bash, Slasher, and Cursed Cove
- Added the Violet Vermin Case
- Contains 20 new community-created cosmetic items that make-up the Violet Vermin Collection
- Has a chance to give one of 4 community-created Halloween-restricted items as a bonus item
- Has a chance to give a taunt Unusualifier as a bonus item
- Added the Scream Fortress X War Paint Case
- Contains 10 new community-created War Paints that make-up the Scream Fortress X War Paint Collection
- Has a chance to give a taunt Unusualifier as a bonus item
- Added two new official taunts to the Mann Co. Store
- Taunt: Panzer Pants
- Taunt: The Scooty Scoot
- Added 17 new community-created Unusual effects
- 11 new effects for Unusual hats
- 6 new effects for Unusual taunts
- Added 5 new Contracts for the featured maps
- Completing a Halloween Contract will give players a classic Halloween item and the chance for a Violet Vermin Case or a Scream Fortress X War Paint Case
- All players who launch the game will receive a Soul Gargoyle if they don't already have one
- Grants access to Merasmissions and Halloween item transmutations
- Tracks Merasmissions completed and souls collected
- All Halloween Contracts have been reset, allowing them to be completed again
- Continue last year's event by collecting the souls of dead players for your Soul Gargoyle by killing enemies, doing map objectives, or collecting the Soul Gargoyles that spawn in the maps
- All cases will grant Halloween 2018 Unusual effects instead of their normal Unusual effects during the event
- Join Halloween matches by using the Special Events category in Casual
- Scream Fortress X runs through November 14th, 2018
- Fixed stickybombs doing damage through walls and doors in some situations
- Fixed a problem with client-side prediction on Halloween maps that use the bumper car mini-game
- Added Tip of the Hats 2018 community medals
- Added ozfortress Season 23 tournament medals
- Added TFNew 6v6 Newbie Cup tournament medals
- Added RGB 3 LAN tournament medals
- Added United Dodgeball League Season 1 tournament medals
- Updated the localization files